The royal mint reviews
The royal mint reviews

the royal mint reviews

So not only am I doing something I have no experience of, I get blamed if it goes wrong but most importantly it is not sales. Again this is new for me - where I have worked before they give you the processes, other teams/exec sign them off but no you do everything.

the royal mint reviews

Again their answer to this is that you should write processes (putting blame back on you). Lovely, and I get along with, but sh*t at their role. Whenever I take time off for a school concert or doctors appointment I have a call EVERY SINGLE Time! It goes back to systems - there are none, so things are in your head or in emails so they minute your aren’t there things don’t work and you get calls. as you can see from my hours above this is not family friendly. So we have a brand value to be family friendly - but line manager has final say on hours/time off etc. All HR policies are at the discretion of your line manager.

the royal mint reviews

Next employee survey this question was removed. They do employee surveys which asked about this and stress and the score was very high. People that have been there for 30yrs that have no outside experience of the role - how can we be industry leading with that?! I look at all these new tech companies up and coming and think we should be poaching from these places Overworked. There are a few really knowledge people, but generally they are clueless! Sometimes I cringe at what they say. Any sane person knows this is impossible - you cannot rule out human error. To control this their answer is then to employ more people, and more processes to try and help prevent issues. I have never worked anywhere like it - the finger is pointed straight away. So mistakes happen often as there is little automation and too much person involvement. there is no good working system in that place. A business that is run off spreadsheets!!!! And this is no joke.

The royal mint reviews